Getting Started With uv, the Python Package & Project Manager

  • 11th Feb 2025
  • 5 min read

📝 From my notes: living personal cheatsheets.

uv is an extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust. A single tool to replace pip, pip-tools, pipx, poetry, pyenv, twine, virtualenv, and more.

DocsGitHubSkip to practical tips


See the docs for more options (cargo, WinGet, Docker…).

GNU+Linux & macOS

curl -LsSf | sh

# for macOS with brew
brew install uv


powershell -c "irm | iex"

Drop-in compatible API

uv provides a drop-in replacement for pip:

pip commanduv command
pip installuv pip install
pip-compileuv pip compile
pip-syncuv pip sync
python -m venv .venvuv venv
pip-compile -o requirements.txtuv pip compile -o requirements.txt

These commands work directly with the virtual environment, in contrast to uv’s primary interfaces where the virtual environment is managed automatically.


uv doesn’t rely on or invoke pip. The pip interface is named as such to highlight its dedicated purpose of providing low-level commands that match pip’s interface and to separate it from the rest of uv’s commands which operate at a higher level of abstraction.

Create a virtual environment

To create a virtual environment (venv) in the current directory:

uv venv

The venv will be in the .venv/ directory. You can choose a different path with uv venv /path/to/venv.

To activate the venv (often unnecessary, read below): source .venv/bin/activate.


uv doesn’t store venvs in a centralised location; there’s no uv venv list. See issue 1495.

Working with projects

uv helps manage Python projects with dependencies defined in pyproject.toml.

Creating a project

uv init my-project
cd my-project

# Or initialise in current directory.
uv init

This creates a basic project structure:

├── .git/              # Initialised git repository.
├── .gitignore         # Python-specific gitignore.
├── .python-version    # Project's Python version.
├──          # Empty readme file.
├── pyproject.toml     # Dependencies and metadata.
├──           # Sample Python script.

When you run project commands (like uv run), uv will create:

  • .venv/: Project’s virtual environment
  • uv.lock: Exact dependency versions

Managing dependencies

# Add a dependency.
uv add requests

# Remove it.
uv remove requests

# Update specific package.
uv lock --upgrade-package requests

Dependencies are declared in pyproject.toml and locked in uv.lock. Commit both files to version control for reproducible builds.


Want to migrate from poetry/pip-tools to uv? Try mkniewallner/migrate-to-uv.

Project environments

uv automagically creates and manages a project-specific virtual environment in .venv. When using uv run, it ensures your code executes in this environment with the correct dependencies:

# Run with project dependencies.
uv run

# Add temporary dependencies for specific runs.
uv run --with pandas

# Use a specific Python version.
uv run --python 3.9

Installing requirements

To install requirements from a requirements.txt file:

uv pip install -r requirements.txt

Syncing the environment

To synchronise the environment with the project’s dependencies, use uv sync.


uv sync will remove any packages from your virtual environment that are not explicitly listed as dependencies in your requirements.txt, pyproject.toml, or lockfile.

This ensures that all dependencies specified in your pyproject.toml or requirements.txt are installed, and any extraneous packages are removed.

Running Python scripts and commands

uv run ensures commands run in a Python environment. It’s useful for:

  • Running Python scripts: uv run
  • Running Python modules: uv run -m pytest
  • Running commands in project environments: uv run python

When used in a project, if a virtual environment can be found in the current directory or a parent directory, the command will be run in that environment.

Outside a project, the command will be run in the environment of the discovered interpreter.

Common use cases:

# Run a script with dependencies from requirements.txt
uv run --with-requirements requirements.txt

# Run pytest with extra dev dependencies.
uv run --group dev -m pytest

# Run a command in an isolated environment.
uv run --isolated python

# Run from a remote repository.
uvx --from git+ https

# Run a remote script (be careful!)
uv run


Many Python packages provide applications that can be used as tools. uv has specialized support for easily invoking and installing tools.

If you want a globally available tool for your user (e.g. git-sumi), run:

uv tool install git-sumi

Now you can use git-sumi from anywhere on your system, as it’s installed in a bin directory in your PATH.

Tools’ dependencies are installed in an isolated virtual environment.

Running tools without installing them

uvx runs a tool without installing it:

uvx pycowsay 'be kind!'

uvx is an alias for uv tool run.

If you want to quickly format a file with ruff without installing it:

uvx ruff

Clearing the cache

uv uses aggressive caching to avoid re-downloading (and re-building) dependencies that have already been accessed in prior runs.

# Remove all cached packages.
uv cache clean

# Clean cache for specific package.
uv cache clean ruff

# Remove only unused cache entries.
uv cache prune

Practical tips

Run any Python version with any number of dependencies

All without manually creating venvs or installing anything globally:

uv run --python 3.13 --with polars,seaborn python

For quick prototyping, you can run Jupyter notebooks with dependencies:

uv run --with "jupyter,altair,matplotlib,numpy,polars,seaborn" jupyter notebook

Or start an interactive Python shell with a specific Python version and dependencies:

uv run --python 3.11 --with "ipython,requests,pandas,python-dotenv" ipython

Reproducible Jupyter notebooks with juv

juv is a uv-powered toolkit for creating reproducible Jupyter notebooks.

# Install globally.
uv tool install juv

# Or run without installing.
uvx juv

Here’s what you can do with it:

# Create a new notebook.
juv init notebook.ipynb
juv init --python=3.9 notebook.ipynb  # specify Python version.

# Add dependencies to a notebook.
juv add notebook.ipynb pandas numpy

# Launch notebook with dependencies.
juv run notebook.ipynb

# Add temporary dependencies.
juv run --with=polars notebook.ipynb

# Convert Python scripts to notebooks on the fly.
uvx juv run

# Lock dependencies.
juv lock notebook.ipynb

# Export dependencies in pip-compatible format.
juv export notebook.ipynb

Dependencies are stored in the notebook’s metadata, so you can share notebooks with others and ensure they have the correct environment.

Use uv as your shebang line

From Rob Allen’s blog (via HN):

Use uv in your script’s shebang line to automatically handle dependencies:

#!/usr/bin/env -S uv run --script

This allows you to create executable Python scripts that manage their own dependencies. You can declare dependencies inline (PEP-723):

#!/usr/bin/env -S uv run --script
# /// script
# requires-python = ">=3.13"
# dependencies = ["cowsay"]
# ///

import cowsay
cowsay.cow("uv shebang works!")

Make the script executable (chmod +x, and you’re good to go!